New Park Information

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Preserve our legacy

Thank you for your support of the award-winning Blue Hole Regional Park, a unique natural space at the heart of our community and a vital natural resource.

Donate and become a supporter of Friends of Wimberley Parks now!


You’ll be investing in the long term future of the park and helping to sustain a natural space for conservation, learning, recreation, exploration and renewal.

Give a one-time donation or become an annual supporter.

In 2021, Friends of Blue Hole proudly celebrates 16 years of loyal support and successful fundraising for Blue Hole Regional Park. Thank you for your dedication and help!

A longshot dream back then is today a powerhouse reality – a park conceived and created when Wimberley was newly incorporated is now an engine of community prosperity and activity.

In ten years and beyond, Friends of Blue Hole will still be the advocate for the park, supporting a robust educational and cultural program for young and old, and helping to protect and preserve Blue Hole Regional Park.

Your tax-deductible gift supports these long term goals.

You can print the FoBH Annual Donation Form to send with your check.

Or cut to the chase and go to PayPal now.

For additional information and gift opportunities, contact Susan Nenney 512.289.8166


  • Donate by check. Your tax-deductible contribution [Federal ID# 20-3415046] can be mailed directly to Friends of Blue Hole at the address below:

Friends of Blue Hole
P.O. Box 1601
Wimberley TX 78676

      • Donate by credit card, through PayPal’s secure ordering system.


Friends of Blue Hole Gift Level

Texas Buckeye $25
Texas Barberry $50
Texas Cedar Elm $100
Texas Madrone $150
Texas Blue Oak $250
Live Oak $500
Bald Cypress $1,000

All gift levels are for one calendar year.


FoBH Gift Level